Why Entertainment Matters

Source: MKisStacked

In ancient Rome, rulers used a method termed “Bread and Circuses” to maintain their control of plebeians. This method entailed appeasing citizens via “bread” (keeping them full) and “circuses” (keeping them entertained).  This method was not restrained to Rome – in fact, it’s still in practice in many different forms and in many places.

So, why am I giving you a history lesson? The “circuses” were used during this time as a form of distraction. Meaningless and often violent activities took place and viewers learned nothing new from the experience. But entertainment is a very important part of life, and can sometimes encourage personal growth.

Various forms of art and entertainment enable us to:

  • Relieve tension from everyday stresses
  • Experience tales of adventure, horror, comedy, etc. that we might otherwise be ignorant of (we can read about the dangers of a totalitarian society without having to actually be involved in one, for example)
  • Keep in touch and up to date
  • Foster our emotional development. Books, film, music, etc.  can teach us how to live and interact with other people and even relate fictional events to reality and translate how to deal with problems.
  • Media inspires us and sparks the imagination. New genres are created everyday by augmenting the elements that already exist and molding them into something that helps you express what matters to you.
So, I’ve decided to create a blog about everything good in life that entertains me, from film to writing to music to art…and once a week, I’m going to post something I’ve made, just to get the week going.

Overall, “Bread and Circuses” doesn’t seem like such a terrible way to live. You’re nourishing your body and your mind, and leaving meaningless chatter to the politicians.

One thought on “Why Entertainment Matters

  1. Pingback: Bread and circuses | bellbookcandledotcom

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